Tuesday, March 23, 2010



Redshirt said...

I see it.

Do you remember the awesome Crispin bit on Letterman, so many years ago? The "I've got boots! And I CAN KICK!" bit? Where Dave did indeed kick him off the show.

l.e.s.ter said...

Ah, love the modern Internet, where every memory is just a click away.


Wow. Much more unhinged than I remembered it. But also maybe a put-on? Hard to believe that it's real.

Letterman at age 40.

Redshirt said...

Haha. That was it. Not exactly as I remembered, but close. Hooray my memory!

My friends and I at the time were hardcore Letterman devotees, and our collective opinion was Glover was partially staging this, under the influence of some drugs. Dave's responses are sincere, though.

l.e.s.ter said...

I'm going to say staged, based on a movie Crispin made employing the same character (and wearing the exact same outfit):


Although the transcript is pretty spectacular:

David Letterman: My next guest is a very talented young man, probably best remembered as Michael J. Fox's father in a film called "Back to the Future." He is now starring in a motion picture called "River's Edge." Folks, please welcome Crispin Glover. (Glover walks out.)

DL: Hi, how are you?

Crispin Glover: Good.

DL: Nice to see you.

CG: Nice to see you too.

DL: How are you doing?

CG: Good, I'm really good.

DL: Things going alright this summer?

CG: I'm having a very good summer.

DL: Where do you live now? You live in Los Angeles?

CG: Yes, that's right. In Los Angeles. I just bought a nice condominium.

DL: Condominium. Where's it located?

CG: It's located just over the hill in the valley and I'm really happy about it.

DL: For a time you lived in Hollywood? You lived on Hollywood Boulevard?

CG: In Hollywood Boulevard?

DL: On Hollywood Boulevard?

CG: No.

DL: Had an apartment overlooking Hollywood Boulevard? A big high building you lived in. A big tower on Hollywood Boulevard?

CG: No, no.

DL: Alright. Then we'll just drop that and go on to something else, alright? Do you do a lot of television shows?