Monday, February 20, 2012



Redshirt said...

I saw green shoots sprouting last weekend, which makes it the earliest I've noted new green things in the 10 years I've been paying attention (Previous record a couple of years back in late Feb).

Any idea how early it is done South?

l.e.s.ter said...

Interesting question. I can't find any real science on it, but here's the annual report from a museum in Maryland for crocus sprouting:

2010 - March 5
2009 - February 22
2008 - February 24
2007 - March 3
2006 - February 5
2005 - February 12
2004 - February 29
2003 - March 14

Impressive how much variance there is. And if they're up in Brooklyn, they've been up in Maryland for a while.